Progress towards Group Sustainability Goals
Sustainability Goals (est. FY22)FY24 Progress
Vision: Carbon neutral value chain (scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions) by 2050Closing remaining gaps in 2022 data and calculations.  Implementing KMC boiler project and utilities separation (scopes 1 & 2).  Limited regional conversion of vehicle fleet to EV or hybrid.
Mid-term GHG reduction: 50% reduction in scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030 (compared to 2019 baseline)Kodak Moments Colorado boiler replacement plans are in place.  The project is fully funded, and actions are in process.  Title V modifications have been submitted to the State.
Kodak Alaris: 90% of scanner portfolio registered EPEAT GOLD* by 2025 [scope 3]

*Based on 2021 Imaging Equipment criteria
At the close of FY24, 54% of Kodak Alaris Scanner models (12 of 22) were registered at the EPEAT Gold Level.  The balance of the portfolio was registered Silver.  Plans on-track to move an additional product family to GOLD.
Kodak Moments: 25% use phase energy reduction in new equipment by 2030 (compared to 2019 baseline) [scope 3]Efficiency improvements targeting Kodak 6900 and 6950 Photo Printers have been implemented for new equipment with potential to extend to installed base.
Environmental Management System: Maintain uninterrupted ISO 14001 certificationsAll ISO 14001 certifications maintained with no significant nonconformances. [KM Colorado, KA Rochester, KAIE Shanghai, Product Stewardship & Governance]