For Customers, Distributors & Resellers

Product Declarations

Product declarations provide relevant and verified information on the environmental, health and safety aspects and attributes of our products.

Click here to access Documents of Conformance

Product Environmental Attributes

Designed to reduce environmental impact.

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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheet and regulatory shipping data for chemical products.

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Waste Management

Find information on how to protect people. Understand product end of life management (product reuse, recycling, recover and disposal)

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For Suppliers

Supplier Expectations for EH&S and Labor
Our supplier labor expectations outlines the standards for creating safer working conditions and using environmentally responsible practices.

Supplier products, parts and packaging specifications

These specifications apply to all material shipments to Kodak Alaris plants.

Supplier Declaration Form

Suppliers are required to complete the applicable sections of the declaration form.

Supplier Declaration for Consumer Products

Suppliers are required to complete the applicable sections of the declaration form.

Supplier Packaging Bill of Material (BoM)

Suppliers are required to complete the applicable sections of the Bill of Material form.

Our Results

Worldwide Policy

Our worldwide policy guides us to prevent injury and pollution, and protect health and the environment.

View Our Policy


We are committed to protecting people and the environment.  We are proud of our accomplishments, including our coronavirus response.

Injury & Illness


Our ISO certifications proudly show the effectiveness of our Environment, Health & Safety initiatives.

View Certifications

Environment and Sustainability Report

We consider environmental aspects and impacts in our operations, design and use of our products around the world.

Download Report 2022

Contact EHS

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about key topics such as chemical information, product packaging, the use of photo chemicals and more.

 Learn More