The government sector has one of the most in-demand actions; the installation of Kodak S2070 and Kodak S2080w scanners made it possible to preserve the condition of deteriorated documents, without losing transparency in terms of efficient digitization processes. Understanding that these are complex documents and processes that must be treated with extreme caution and transparency.
One of the government bodies in Colombia sought digitization solutions, expanding its installed base of equipment as it did not have an adequate amount to speed up the process of intelligent information capture. Due to the thousands of documents they handle every day, it was necessary to renew the fleet of scanners from Kodak Alaris to enable their employees to continue to carry out their tasks easily and without the need for manual tasks.
Current Situation:
The institution handles thousands of documents a day, from letter to legal size. Due to legal and transparency requirements, files cannot be detached at any time. This seeks to maintain the originality of every file at all times. In order to avoid the alteration of documents or evidence, the loss of any crucial element when the file is presented or consulted, but more importantly, to maintain the transparency of their management, a digitization solution was sought that would meet the challenge of keeping them intact, and avoiding deterioration at all costs.
Workers are required to have each document in digital form, as a result of a law that defines that people who want to file a guardianship lawsuit must do so digitally and with little weight in the file.
In order to make a uniform product available to the general public where they can consult their processes. The organization found it necessary to digitize historical collections of different documents such as guardianship cases or lawsuits, among others.
All in a light and effective format, without forgetting that these documents contain sensitive information and are complex to capture efficiently, due to the different types of size, thickness and age.
On the other hand, they sought to optimize production and reduce the time spent by the operator on manual tasks.
By centrally installing 2100 units of the Kodak S2080w scanner model and 140 units of the Kodak S2070 scanner model, the aim was to provide easy access and conversion of documents by merging the Kodak Alaris solution with the applications that the client already had in order to achieve storage on their own servers. On the other hand, remote working meant that some employees had Kodak Alaris scanners installed in their homes, facilitating and adding value to their day-to-day functions.
In addition to digitization, the originality of each file was preserved at all times, avoiding the alteration of documents or evidence, or the loss of any crucial element when it was presented or consulted. But most importantly, the transparency of their management was maintained.
Benefits and Results:
Thanks to the Kodak Alaris comprehensive solution installed for information capture, the digitization process was improved and access to documents was maintained in a transparent way, ensuring the physical state of each type of format thanks to the versatility of our flatbed.
One of the main benefits was the size of the Kodak Alaris scanners, which made them easy to transport, and the detachable flatbed, which is included as an accessory, as it was used to scan official-size documents that are bound, in folders or stapled, avoiding deterioration, since for security and confidentiality reasons the sheets should not be separated.
This project played a very important role for the institution, since, in addition to having the equipment installed within the corporate, it favored the collaborators who worked remotely, having the opportunity to have a Kodak Alaris scanner in their homes to facilitate the execution of the assigned tasks.
In conclusion, value was added to customer service, a significant reduction in time was achieved in the digitization process, which had an impact on employee satisfaction and streamlined the document load by merging our software with the client's applications, achieving efficient and optimized storage on our own server. In short, the initial objective was achieved: the reduction of times and the streamlining of operational work, through state-of-the-art technological tools, contributing to the productivity of the organization as a whole.